COMBINED SHIPPING and SAME DAY SHIPPING on all orders. 5 pm CDT Cutoff. One Time Shipping Charge for as many packs as you want. USPS First Class Package with Door-to-Door Tracking. About 3 Days. Buy 5 packs and get one free, your choice. Just add your choice to "Note from Buyer". Thank You!!

RED CORN POPPY. aka - Field, Common, Flanders, Shirly. Maybe the world's most popular wildflower. Grow in borders, beds, and meadows, they also do well in containers. For bouquets, cut in early morning and singe the stem base with a flame to seal it before putting it in water. Grows about 18 inches tall, blooms profusely from June until first frost and is very easy to grow and will self-sow. Corn poppies are a favorite of gardeners in every state for rock gardens, flower beds, containers, and most anyplace that you want some easy color. Since poppies are self-sowing, if you allow them to go to seed you may only need to plant them once. 2000+ Quality seeds per order. Thank You!

Papaver rhoeas.


Spring, soil temp 70F+.

SOW just under surface 4" apart. Keep moist.

Germination 15-28 days.

Thin to 12".

Height 18" x 12" Wide.

Medium water. Light fertilizer.

Flowers are a red. Blooms from early summer through fall.