Super Quick Cash Oil for Bills, Debt, Loans, Business Growth, Prosperity, 
Money & Wealth

Our Super Quick Cash Oil was designed to aid you in times of financial need. For those of you who may be facing money issues, our Super Quick Cash Oil contains all the right herbs and oils to help you draw in quick money. Whether its financial debt, outstanding bills or money that is owed to you, our Super Quick Cash Oil clears away blockages, changes one’s luck and lets the money roll in. It can also be used in any type of abundance work as many of the herbs in this blend target overall prosperity, wealth, and financial growth. Made with chicory, cinnamon, nutmeg, irish moss, basil, magnetic sand and an array of other ingredients, our Super Quick Cash Oil comes in a ½ bottle. 

Super Quick Cash Oil can be dabbed on business cards, applications, bills, invoices, or any type of paperwork that relates to one’s finances. Anoint some on a dollar and leave it in your wallet. Put a few drops into the right heel of your shoe or rub some on your front door to draw money into the home. Anoint some on a whole nutmeg, silver dime or acorn and carry it in your pocket. You can also anoint a green candle, drawing the oil up the candle towards the wick. While lighting it say a prayer or affirmation and visualize yourself experiencing financial abundance.

One of our favorite ways to use Super Quick Cash Oil is to create a “Toby” or “Charm”. A toby is simply a small bundle of magically charged items that are wrapped into a bundle. For getting immediate financial relief, get a fresh basil leaf, green thread, ground cinnamon, powdered nutmeg and a silver dime. Take your dime, cinnamon and nutmeg and place them in the center of your basil leaf. Gently wrap the basil leaf and wrap it around the contents. Then take your string and wrap it around the contents. While wrapping, make sure you are winding the thread in a clockwise direction. Each time you wrap the contents, say “money is coming to me now.”  After the contents is completely wrapped in thread, tie three knots so the thread will not unwind. Take a few drops of Super Quick Cash Oil and dab a bit on the toby. You will want to repeat this once a week, preferably on a Thursday. Carry this on you as you go about your day. Before handling any money, make sure you focus on your toby. Touch it, hold it and visualize  money coming towards you.

Sold as a Curio. For external use only. For external use only. Keep away from children and pets.