• MOTHERLAND ORGANICS COLD PRESSED UNREFINED ROSEHIP OIL - This oil is 100% Pure, Natural and Organic. It is Vegan, Cruelty Free, ethically sourced in Chile. To cut down on our use of plastic our Jojoba Oil is packaged in a glass bottle with a bamboo pipette.

  • NOURISHES YOUR SKIN - Motherland Organics Rosehip Oil is rich in vitamins A and C. When applied topically it is perfect for returning your skin youthful glow by combating the signs of premature ageing. It also directly tackles wrinkles, laughter lines, crows' feet, age spots, brittle nails, hyperpigmentation, radiation and sun damage.

  • LIGHTWEIGHT OIL- Rosehip Oil is quickly absorbed into your skin leaving no oily residue. Within a few minutes, it will already be working it's magic, feeding your skin with vital fatty acids and antioxidants.

  • NON-COMEDOGENIC- Rosehip Oil doesn't clog pores. It is also completely safe and beneficial for all skin types.

  • MULTI PURPOSE- Rosehip Oil has a range of uses, it is loaded with vitamins and antioxidants which makes it the perfect ingredient for when you are making your homemade serums, moisturisers, body butters and so on.