This unique pendant is handcrafted by Nusret Öztürk using pure copper wire with natural jade crystals.

Chain is included with the pendant.
(Standard length for the chain is 20"..Please leave us a note for other length choices)

The exact item shown in the picture will be sent to buyer.
Please don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions.

The item will be shipped out the next business day after the payment, inside gift box.

Jade is a revered gemstone known for its beautiful green hues and rich cultural significance, particularly in Chinese culture. It is believed to offer a variety of physical, emotional, and spiritual benefits. Here are some of the commonly attributed benefits of jade crystals:

### Physical Health Benefits

1. **Healing Properties**: Jade is thought to support overall physical healing, particularly by boosting the body's natural healing processes.

2. **Detoxification**: It is believed to help in detoxifying the body, aiding in the removal of toxins and promoting healthy organ function.

3. **Kidney Health**: Jade has traditionally been associated with the kidneys and is thought to help maintain their health and support urinary functions.

4. **Fertility**: Some believe jade can enhance fertility and support reproductive health.

### Emotional and Mental Benefits

1. **Emotional Balance**: Jade is known for its ability to bring about emotional balance, helping to calm the mind and reduce stress and anxiety.

2. **Harmony and Peace**: It is believed to promote feelings of peace, harmony, and serenity, making it useful for emotional healing and well-being.

3. **Confidence and Courage**: Wearing jade is thought to boost self-confidence and courage, helping individuals to overcome challenges and take on new opportunities.

### Spiritual Benefits

1. **Protection**: Jade is often used as a protective stone, believed to guard against negative energies and promote a sense of safety.

2. **Spiritual Growth**: It is said to support spiritual growth and development, helping individuals to connect with their higher selves and deepen their spiritual practices.

3. **Prosperity and Abundance**: Jade is traditionally associated with attracting prosperity, good fortune, and abundance, making it a popular stone for manifesting wealth and success.

### Other Benefits

1. **Harmony in Relationships**: Jade is thought to promote harmony and balance in relationships, fostering understanding and compassion.

2. **Longevity and Vitality**: It is believed to enhance longevity and vitality, supporting overall health and well-being.

3. **Creativity and Insight**: Jade is said to stimulate creativity and enhance mental clarity, aiding in problem-solving and decision-making.

These benefits are based on historical and anecdotal evidence, as well as metaphysical beliefs. While many people find these attributes of jade beneficial, it's important to note that these claims are not scientifically proven.