Donald J. Trump is a traitor and he incited that riot on our Capitol in an attempt to overthrow our Republic. I am a veteran and that has been the hardest thing for me to watch happen in my lifetime. Those white separatists that Trump courted and told to attack our representatives flew Nazi flags and brought a Confederate flag into this veteran's Capitol building. The flag of a defeated enemy of this Union was flown with pride in our Capitol and that disgusts me.

Anyone that defends those actions by those Trump supporters that day is a traitor along with those separatists and Donald J. Trump.

This design is for those of us that do not agree with Trump, Trumpism, or the GOP's insistence on courting him and his followers. Trump is a disease on this country.

This is a pledge to never vote Republican again as long as I live. I am proudly NOT A REPUBLICAN.

.: White ceramic
.: 15 oz (0.44 l)
.: Rounded corners
.: C-handle