Brand new
second etition, original Carcassonne tiles
publisher; Zman Games


Please select from the options which ONE (or more) tile or tiles you wish to have.

You can replace your lost tiles, or add extras to your game

NOTE: when you choose 1 tile, you will receive the tile you have chosen.
for example you pick from the options "C2-F3C" than you go to checkout and pay, you will receive that tile shown on the picture with the code "C2-F3C".

You can choose multiple tiles too. If you buy 3 tiles, you will receive 3 tiles. (with the code you have chosen)

If you willing to have all 12 tiles (the complete expansion) you can find this variation as well at the options.
If you pick "12 tiles together" option, than you will receive the complete river expansion wit the 12 tiles.