Turn your vintage car AM radio into a Bluetooth receiver with the MobileMitter!

No alterations to your vintage set required. Stream wirelessly through its internal Bluetooth adapter or plug your MP3 player, phone, CD player, XM satellite receiver, tablet or other media device into the supplied aux cord, hit the remote key fob button and you are now transmitting old radio shows, classic tunes, or whatever you desire, to your old gem. It runs off 12vdc car power source and is a snap to set up. (We can adapt the unit to run off 6vdc but that version will have a microswitch instead of the key fob to power it off/on. Please reach out to us prior to purchase to arrange a 6vdc system)Simply attach power, plug it inline with your cars ant antenna cable and you are done. It’s operated by a small key fob that allows you to toggle between it and the original radio signal. With the decreased number of AM stations available today, this device is a must. Live rural and don’t have any stations within range? Even better; start your own! Unit comes with everything you need to install and detailed instructions. May come in gray or black.

Interested in a version with FM reception? Check out our MobileMitter FM version.


Interested in a version for your home vintage radio? Check out our MicroMitter product.
