PHOTOGRAPH - I took this photograph at a Michelham Priory car event August 2020

HISTORY - The BMW Z3 was manufactured from 1995 to 2002 and was available as either a two door sports car or a mini estate with two engine options smaller (1.8l then 1.9l then 2.2l) or larger six cylinder 3.0l. The Z3 was the first BMW to be manufactured outside Germany in South Carolina, USA. There was also an M high powered version available from 1997 using two different engines for the USA and European markets.

PICTURE FRAME - 4 x 6in Photograph in either a Black or White Coloured Frame with a Polycarbonate front. There is a Strut on rear so that it can sit on the window sill or desk.

(We photograph and design the illustrations we use on our products. Any trade marks, or names used are for descriptive purposes only and DO NOT imply any connection with the companies involved and we have no intention of impugning their brand.)