Leek Giant French Carentan is a large growing cultivar of the all time French favourite, Carentan Leek - with stems (white portion) often growing as thick as 5cm and as long as 20 - 25cm, yet still maintaining the delicate and mild flavour and buttery texture, without becoming fibrous. Traditionally the base of the green leaves, typically the first 5 - 15cm are also used in a range of dishes as the base of the leaves are generally quite crisp and tender. Leeks are obviously a great addition to any diet as they are a great source of calcium, iron, potassium as well as vitamin A, folate and a range of antioxidants. Regardless of whether you have a salad, stew or soup planned, the intense flavour combined with the tender and crisp texture of Leek Giant French Carentan make it a great addition to any vegetable garden. Just like onion, carrots and other root or stem vegetables, Leek plants prefer a loose, friable soil with high organic matter to ensure they produce large and delicious vegetables.