VIC 62 was built in 1945 by I.Pimblott & Sons Ltd at Northwich,Cheshire, for the British Government.

VIC is an abbreviation of "Victualling Inshore Craft", and the class was also known as "Clyde Puffers". Mitchell & Sawyer's "Empire Ships" states that many of the 106 ships built found their way to ports throughout the World, carrying out naval work as storeships, ammunition carriers, water boats and other harbour duties.

VIC 62 had initially been sold for scrap in the early 1970's but eventually met that fate at Millom, Cumbria, in August 1986. In the meantime, she became the National Physical Laboratory's research craft. She was re-engined, her original 1920's built steam engine being donated to the Science Museum in London.

She was then sold to Calcified Seaweed Company of Cornwall and at Truro was fitted with a tank to allow her to carry sand and seaweed.