Mini Orgone pendant: Features: Pure Silver, Lapis Lazuli & Kyanite with clear quartz.

Includes Sterling silver jump ring and 45cm, 2mm Rolo Chain.

IRONSTONE AND MARBLE bring a new era of Orgone by blending a sparkling opalescent mix of powdered metal and crystal known for blocking and transmuting ElectroMagnetic Frequencies including Black Tourmaline, Shungite, Herkimer Diamond, Smokey Quartz, Copper, Fine Silver and 24K Gold. In this method the fine, evenly disbursed suspension of particles maximise the available surface area of the resin. We then add more layers to create a beautiful, unique and superior quality Orgone.

Many of our pendants are made with clear Quartz Crystal and Herkimer Diamond centres which generate a toroid effect, allowing the transmutation of light and energy. Shielding or protection is gained by the Orgone enhancing our bio field and harmonising any surrounding discordant EMF from smart devices, mobile phones, towers, wifi routers etc.

In this way a natural defence is maintained with the benefits of better health, sleep, more energy, clarity and concentration.

Specifically we note relief from headaches and fatigue associated with prolonged exposure to wifi radiation which is increasingly prevalent in schools, offices, shopping centres, hospitals and apartment buildings.

Made in Australia from:

Natural Ironstone, Iron, Zinc, Copper, Brass, Stainless Steel, Aluminium, Titanium, Tin, Pure Silver powder & flake, 24K Gold flake, Pyrite, Shungite, Activated Charcoal, Mica, Quartz Crystal, Calcite, Black Tourmaline, Smokey Quartz, Amethyst, Lapis Lazuli, Kyanite, Blue Quartz, Sapphire, Emerald, Citrine, Amber, Garnet, Rose Quartz, Herkimer Diamond.

Theses elements are combined at 2 different ratios to produce our 'Night Sky' and 'Chocolate Ironstone' base blends.


Look out for our Pet Pendants at a super cheap $10! Mini Orgone pendants are recommended for children. We also sell ultra thin phone cards which can be kept in your phone holder, wallet, pocket, under your pillow or computer keyboard.

We have 100% confidence in our products. If you are not completely satisfied we can provide you with a full refund.
