I'm selling over 600 + kinds of seeds ( and also live plants during the warmer months ) so check my other auctions . 

You are bidding on about 40 RED LEAFED PERILLA SEEDS -  Perilla frutescens (Aka-Shiso).
Other Names: Ao Shiso, Beefsteak plant, Ji Soo, Perilla, Purple Perilla, Shiso, Wild basil,
Perilla is a very popular annual herb of the mint family found in Japan and many other Asian countries. Young leaves and flowering shoots are used for cooking and pickling because of their aromatic flavor. The plant grow best under full sun or partially shading in mild climates.
 Perilla is a very attractive plant for the garden and attracts butterflies. It’s deep purple stems and purple to red tinted leaves last all summer and fall. It is a very aromatic plant, with a strong minty smell. Growing up to 4 feet tall when in bloom, the stems are square, reddish-purple and branching. The leaves are large, up to 6 in. in diameter, petioled, opposite, ovate and serrate, edges ruffled or curly, dark green tinted red to purple (especially on the underside) and hairy. 
Seeds require light to germinate and should be covered only with a very thin layer of soil when sowing, but keep soil moist during the germination. 
Rub leaves on your skin and clothes on hikes to repel ticks. Also a good companion plant for tomatoes. Harvest before seeds form, very invasive if allowed to seed.

Medicinal use  : 

The leaves, stems and seeds are often used in Oriental medicine. It is a pungent, aromatic, warming herb that is antibacterial, antidote, antipyretic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, antitussive, aromatic, carminative, diaphoretic, emollient, expectorant, pectoral, stomachic and tonic. The leaves are used in the treatment of colds, chest stuffiness, vomiting, abdominal pain etc. The juice of the leaves is applied to cuts and wounds. The seed is antiasthmatic, antitussive, emollient and expectorant. It is used internally in the treatment of asthma, colds and chills, nausea, abdominal pain, food poisoning and allergic reactions (especially from seafood), bronchitis and constipation. The stems are a traditional Chinese remedy for morning sickness. This herb should be avoided by pregnant women.

Edible parts  : 

Edible young leaves and seedlings - raw or cooked. The flavor is strange to western palates at first, some people detecting cinnamon, others coriander or citrus. Seedlings are added to salads, older leaves are used as a garnish or flavoring. Older leaves are also salted and used as a condiment for tofu and as a garnish for tempura. Leaves from purple cultivars are used to color preserved fruits. The leaves can also be dried for later use. The leaves contain about 3.1% protein, 0.8% fat, 4.1% carbohydrate, 1.1% ash. Immature flower clusters are used as a garnish for soups and chilled tofu. Older flower clusters are fried and eaten. The seeds are preserved in salt or are used as a spice in pickles, tempura and miso. They are one of the ingredients in "Shichimi" or "seven spice" mixture. The seed can also be eaten cooked. Seeds from purple-leafed forms of the plant are preferred for culinary use. The seed contains about 21.5% protein, 43.4% fat, 11.3% carbohydrate, 4.4% ash. An edible drying oil is obtained from the seed. It is rich in linolenic acid. The plant yields an essential oil which is used as a food flavoring in candies and sauces.

Other uses of the herb: 

A drying oil obtained from the seed is used in making paints, varnishes, water proofing etc. The plant yields 0.3 - 1.3% essential oil, which contains 20% citral. It is used as a food flavoring and in dental products

See my store for 600+ seeds , live plants ( during the warmer months ) and over 300 books on plants and gardening . I add new items every day and combine shipping whenever possible .