077 East Brother Island Light, CA, HL 542, Collectors Society Exclusive,Certificate of Authenticity, tent card.

This gorgeous sentinel situated in picturesque San Francisco Bay is not only one of our nation’s most unique beacons, it is also a great vacation spot for every lighthouse enthusiast! East Brother Lighthouse, a nationally registered historic place, is in rare form with its splendid Victorian façade and white wood trim.

First lit in 1874, this lighthouse has endured many challenges throughout the years. Located just north of Point San Pablo in Point Richmond, CA, this beacon is one of California’s gems. At one time the lighthouse was equipped with a world-renowned 4th-Order Fresnel lens, guiding mariners to safety on many cold and stormy nights. East Brother Light has had its far share of accidents as well. With the pounding surf and heavy storms, many ships sank off East Brothers’ jagged shore.

In 1969 the station was automated and unmanned. The Coast Guard had initially planned to tear down this majestic sentinel, however local protests including those of Contra Coast Shoreline Parks Committee and East Brother Light Station, Inc., saved the lighthouse from imminent destruction, leasing the sentinel from the Coast Guard and complete renovating it.

Today East Brother has been restored to pristine condition, showcasing its original beauty. It now flourishes a popular B&B, hosting visitors from all over the world. At East Brother Light you can get a taste of a very different kind of life–that of a lighthouse keeper.

MEASUREMENTS: L = 7¼” x W = 5¾” x H = 6”

Comes with the original box,packaging,and COA