Crypt Balansae plants are a popular choice for beginner and experienced aquarium hobbyists. These stem plants create a tranquil scene in the background of an aquascape, as their dark or bright green reed-like leaves sway gently in the current, offering cozy hiding spots for fish to play in. The plant's short stems produce long, thin leaves that make a great contrast to hardscape materials. This species hails from Southern Thailand where it inhabits fast-flowing rivers and streams with high limestone content. Balansae plants thrive in an environment that is rich with nitrate, phosphate, iron, CO2, and calcium. Calcium supplement is highly recommended, as the plant's leaves will grow twisted and deformed without it.


Balansae plants need moderate to high lighting. To achieve the attractive puckering or ruffled effect of the balansae plant's leaves, the lighting of at least 2-3 watts/gallon is needed. High lighting can also cause the leaves to take on a bronze tint. Mature plants with high light can potentially produce flowers when grown emersed. This plant is much easier to grow submersed, however. All crypt plants hate changes in water parameters and will undergo "crypt melt" if conditions vary too much. The leaves of the plant begin to rot and essentially melt away. If this process begins, you can cut away any rot and attempt to stabilize the water. It is normal for crypts to melt when introduced to a new tank and should produce new growth once they have acclimated.


What We Like About This Plant:

🌟 Great for low-light and low-tech setups
🌟 Large, long leaves that develop a red underside
🌟 Excellent background plant that can grow to massive size
🌟 Relatively uncommon
🌟 Thrives in hard water

Notes: 🌠 🌠
🌟 Potted aquarium plants are kept submerged and are adapted to aquarium settings.
🌟 Cryptocoryne prefer not to be moved once planted. If possible, do not move them!
🌟 Do not make drastic changes to the aquarium. Unstable parameters will result in melt and rotting of the aquarium plant.
🌟 Please be sure to remove this plant from its pot. Remove the cotton surrounding the roots and plant into a quality substrate. For instructions on how to properly plant "potted" aquarium plants
🌟 CO2 injection and quality aquarium soil will yield better growth.
🌟 Unless noted, our aquarium plants are adapted to aquarium settings and will do best submerged. If this is not your goal, please research appropriately to ensure your plant thrives.

Important Detail: 🌠 🌠
🌟 Origin: Southeast Asia
🌟 Care: Medium
🌟 Light: Moderate to High
🌟 Co2: Recommended
🌟 Propagation: Cut side shoots, runners
🌟 Growth rate: Medium
🌟 Tank location: Background