Specialty Amethyst Cluster - New Find from Uruguay. Rare and new Amethyst formations w/ Calcite! Limited and very unique specimens. Shipped with USPS.

“Flat and flowery crystals resembling fungi or flowers”

The specimen in the pictures is the exact stone you will be receiving.

Calcite Blade Amethyst from Uruguay - New Formations!

This piece is part of a recent discovery from Uruguay featuring a fresh and stimulating new variety of Amethyst in formations with blade-like pieces of Calcite. All these pieces are from the same pocket which exhibits a wide range of new formations that are reminiscent of fungi growth mixed with spirit quartz characteristics and druzy growth of various energy profiles. These specimens seem to speak the energy of 'spiritual rebirth.’ Specimens can contain a wide variety of color including clear (clear Quartz), white, purples and violets, deep purples, indigos, and black. Many fun features on each unique piece can be mesmerizing.

Warning: Pieces may be sharp. Caution when handling. FRAGILE.


Amethyst - Ancient Stone of Protection and Purification

Amethyst, a stone of the Quartz family, has been historically popular as an amulet of psychic protection and have been considered a royal stone having been found on crowns, scepters and rings of bishops. It has been highly prized in both ancient Greece and Rome, the Neolithic peoples of Europe, and in Egypt. Amethyst has resonance with the 3rd Eye chakra and the chakras above (Crown, Etheric+) to essentially connect our subtle energy system and  auric field with the Divine. As a stone of spiritual protection, it is also valuable in assisting one to let go of bad habits and addictions as a catalytic effect of the Violet Ray. Use this stone to build a shield of light around the wearer or place in any environment to ward off negativity; this makes a beautiful piece in the workplace, study room, or bedroom. Larger pieces and clusters make great book-weights and window pieces. This is the perfect stone for meditation and intuitive work and has been observed to help Starseeds and Lightworkers 'feel like Home' while on the Earth plane. 


Welcome to the Lemuria-Atlantis Exchange!

We offer beautifully handcrafted jewelry and energy tools by local Oregon artisans. You are buying the exact stone shown in the pictures.

Don't see a stone you want? Feel free to place a special order with one of our artisans by sending us a message. Please check out our other store items!

All sales final. Combined shipping w/ multiple orders.


Disclaimer -

The descriptions found on this eBay account are not a substitute for professional medical or psychological advice and care. Lemuria-Atlantis Exchange do not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of stones as a form of treatment for medical or psychological conditions. Readers should regularly consult a physician and seek professional medical advice about any physical, medical, psychological, or emotional matters that may require diagnosis or medical attention. The statements made by the authors have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This information is not intended to be used to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.

The information provided for all stones on this eBay account regarding the metaphysical properties of stones is intuitively derived and has not been scientifically evaluated. Readers are advised to view this information as speculative in nature, and to evaluate it in light of their own experiences. The authors' intent is only to offer information of a general nature in order to assist readers in their spiritual quest for higher consciousness and well-being. In the event that you use any of the information contained in the Lemuria-Atlantis Exchange descriptions, the authors assume no responsibility for your actions.