This collection of whimsical prints from Susybee was created by Susy Bleasby and is printed on premium 100% cotton fabric 42.5" wide.  The Zoe prints feature whimsical giraffe scenes while the Lewe prints depict loveable sheep plus so many more!  Coordinates include monotone dots, squiggles, checks and swirls.  These prints are light-hearted and humorous and are perfect for nursery decor, decorative pillows, quilts, and crafts.

You are purchasing ONE YARD of the #20268-520 "gingham check" pattern in the "pink" color.   In my eBay store you can see more of this line plus other fine quilting fabrics, patterns, and fabric kits, so be sure to visit.

All my fabric is new from the manufacturer or distributor, smoke free, and is cut from bolts as ordered. If you need more than 1 yard of any item, contact me and
I will advise you how to purchase.  Multiple purchases are combined for shipping as described by clicking on the link below.

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