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Sacramento, CA., April 30th, 2009


This DVD contains the illustrated lecture given in Sacramento, California on April 30th, 2009, followed by Q & A and three bonus tracks
Steven Jones, PH.D., Physics Professor Emeritus, Brigham Young University, brilliantly presents his carefully researched discoveries made as he analyzed the dust from the World Trade Center buildings, which collapsed on 9/11/2001. Jones discusses a new peer-reviewed journal article, the result of 18 months of intensive scientific collaboration. This is the loaded gun of 9/11!
The beauty of the photos and the depth of understanding are breathtaking. The implications of this new peer-reviewed paper are profound.
Nanothermite, a highly engineered energetic nanocomposite, was conceived around 1990. By 2000 it had been weaponized and manufactured in top secret military laboratories. This nano-engineered form of thermite does not just burn extremely hot, it explodes!
Jones also updates us on various facets of the quest to repudiate the "official conspiracy theory" about 9/11, and describes current efforts to create a legitimate investigation with real subpoena power.
Run time: approximately 58:33 minutes for the Nanothermite program, plus 29:20 minutes of Q & A, and 3 bonus tracks that include:
  • 1) Steven Jones from 2/1/06 (10:20)
  • 2) Richard Gage from 5/11/08 (9:52)
  • 3) Niels Harrit from 4/6/09 (10:34)


    Documentaries - Corporate America and career politicians do
    not want you to see this information ever... If you are looking for truth as
    you never heard it before you’re in the right place. If you’re looking for a
    Hi-Definition, HD, 1080p etc. documentaries or movies do not under any
    circumstance buy this product. Production budgets are often low, and emphasis is
    on new information not seen before. DVD picture quality may vary between titles
    and is determined by the original production and completely beyond our control.