The vendor advises that he made an incredible £7000 in 90 days with this method!

The circular for this amazing method has the tag line – “How punters turned a £500 betting bank into £7000 in 90 Days Using these 7 simple steps”. The original vendor is so confident that this method will make you profits that he offered . Please read the circular for the full information on this system after reading the salient points below. The vendor states, “After 15 Years I have found a racing system that will startle and transform your life – Big Time! It has  been tried and tested many systems over the last 15 years and then just before Christmas in came another one for testing. Immediately I could see that this was in a different league to everything else the vendor had tested before. we could not believe the results this system was producing right in front of our eyes!... A brilliant, easy and most importantly, PROFITABLE system that anyone could use to make regular profits…. The racing system I’m talking about is one of only a handful which would be ever recommend to you. This system is the most genuine, easy and successful racing system the vendor has ever come across. This system is guaranteed to produce a vast profit for you, every year! Yes, you read correctly…. Every year!... It is a regular income generator, which will earn you at least £350+ every week you put it into action as I tell you to! Honestly, it really is that good… It is a mathematically sound plan which makes sure you will make a profit of at least £11,000 every year!”. “You can of course use the system to win more than £11,000 if you wish; it’s entirely up to you. You can set up the system to win double, treble, or even quadruple that amount every year, it’s up to you and how much you want to make annually. What is even more remarkable about this system is that it takes minutes to select your horses daily, online or from your newspaper! Everything is very easy to follow - all you have to do is place your bets, which is another reason why you will love this so much! How does it work? Well, the system is based around 7 simple steps, which literally takes you minutes to learn and put into action, and then produce guaranteed results. It works on UK Horse Racing all year round and is proven… tried and tested . The vendor states, “Now this staking plan is probably my favourite out of the many I have tested over the years and it’s simply brilliant! The Money Magnifier Staking Plan is produced from the works of the great mathematicians of all time – a genius! This exciting new staking plan boosts your profits week in week out, it never fails and increased the betting bank by 77% more than level stakes betting when it was tested. It’s very simple to follow and laid out in a manual in a nice easy step-by-step process. The staking plan is very profitable and completely fool proof”. “The Bookies have absolutely no defence from this system and staking plan. It certainly knocked the vendor for six when he saw them in action together”