Vibes Audio Lab - Vibes I HDRC
High Density Rubberised Cork Spot Mat

We are proud to present Vibes II turntable mat. Handmade out of 'High Density Rubberised Cork'  extremely durable material - temperature resistant, antistatic and completely non porous - often used in automotive industry for engine gaskets where it has to withstand extreme pressure and high temperatures. Combined with fine Italian leather for maximising grip of record!

These features offer best damping of unwanted resonances and improve overall sound quality of your turntable! 
  • antistatic
  • damping of mechanical noises is absolutely superb - no compromise here
  • channel separation is better and sound stage becomes wider
  • helps create quiet background
  • instruments and vocals gain depth and air 
  • unique leather pads pattern helps eliminate unwanted resonances (between 50Hz - 70Hz)
This upgrade will bring your record collection to a completely new level of experience!

Ø 295 mm 
72 fine Italian leather pads Ø 10mm
(other colours of leather available - please ask)