CLASSIC & SPORTSCAR Magazine, June 1996 issue, 298 pages, main features include :-


FERRARI - 60 page FERRARI tribute supplement with articles on the 246GT, 166, the Tranporter truck that carried the racers, 250 CALIFORNIA, TASMAN DINO, the backroom boys, 365GTC, article on first time ownership of a FERRARI


JAGUAR XK120 - 4 page article driving the LESLIE JOHNSON fabled racing lightweight car


FORD RS200 - 4 page article looking at this supercar refugee from the rally world


CITROEN 2CV SAHARA - 3 page article looking at and driving an example of the ultimate tin snail, a CITROEN produced 4 wheel drive 2CV with an engine at each end


SINGER ROADSTER - 4 page article looking at this car that by having no direct rival, this delightful car was kept alive for longer than it really merited


£5000 SPORTS CARS - 8 page article looking at 5 sportscars available for this money, features FIAT 124 SPIDER, FIAT X1/9, LANCIA BETA SPIDER, MG MIDGET & TRIUMPH SPITFIRE


LAND ROVER - 3 page article looking at one mans collection of very early examples


Other features include article on the BENTLEY that WO raced at the TT, article on LESLIE JOHNSON, article on Britain's most committed collector of MG, plus all other usual features.