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200 SEEDS of Green stem Egyptian spinach seeds

Egyptian Spinach seeds, Corchorus Olitorius Molokhia, Jew's Mallow,  Ewedu, Jute Mallow

Medicinal plants, Nalta, Rau đay, or Saluyot, SEEDS

Egyptian Spinach is native to the Middle East, it’s a tasty, Nutritious and delicious edible super-green  widely used in Arab, Asia, Middle-Eastern and African Cuisines. 

The leaves are rich in more than 32 vitamins and minerals, and are high in antioxidants.

It has a  powerful medicinal effect that dates back to the time of the pharaohs, when an Egyptian king drank it in soup to recover from an illness, till today it is known as “food of kings” and it is still one of the most widely eaten medicinal vegetables in Egypt and other parts of the world.

There's nothing comparable to homegrown Molokhia/Egyptian spinach in your own backyard.

Easy to grow and care for, it thrives in heat and ,it makes greatmakes a great container plants. Please, make sure to keep the soil constantly moist because they do like to dry out.

They are fast growers, making sure to plant in a rich loamy soil, rich in organic compost.

Feed with organic plant food every 2 months for a show.

They must be cut over and over throughout the season, when they are not cut often they will be forced to produce flower/stem, the plants will did faster.

They are grown annually to enjoy fresh sweet green leaves.

Too old plants produce hard fibrous leaves and are not as sweet as young leaves.

There are a lot of Egyptian Spinach mouth watering and delicious recipes there, choose any  one that interests you, this is a superfood with many benefits.

 These seeds are 100% home grown, it is disease/pest resistant, and will never need pesticides.

They may be disturb by deer's, so if you have problems with deer's plan to protect your plants.

It is better to direct  sow after all danger of last frost when temperature warms to at least 65 to 75 degrees, do not bury seed too deep as light/warm aides in faster seed germination, seeds will germinate in 7-14 days, they are fast grower once established.

You may start the seeds indoors, however, these plants are prone to getting leggy, because the young seedlings grow tall so fast and without enough sunlight and good air circulation the newly sprouted seeds will  fall over and once that happens it will be hard to manage the seedlings.

Because of that, start seeds indoors maybe 2 weeks before the last frost in your area, so that you can bring the new sprout outside as soon as possible.

Transplant plants in full sun or partial shade location once plants have a few sets of true leaves.

Do not disturb the roots during transplant, to avoid transplant shock.

Role of thumb, always transplant your new seedling late in the evening and water, water, water.

Water every day possible twice a day in the morning and evening for one week or till plants recover.

Remember, do not water any new plant/seedlings when it is too hot outside because the heat will create a hot water like that will kill the plants/seedlings.

If transplanted in the container, place in a shaded location for a few days till the plant recovers from the transplant, then place in a desired location. Remember container gardens need more attention during hot summer months.

Mulch both the garden/container plants it helps with water/moisture retainer in hot summer and prevent weeds that will compete with the plants nutrients

Jute stems are sensitive to very hot weather, therefore do not let the plants dry out completely, always keep the soil moist, they love water.

Space about 16 to 21 feet apart ,so the plant will have a breathing room to spread out.

Prune, prune and prune to create a very healthy, strong and busher plants.

They are very sensitive to high wind, when they grow too tall, so good pruning helps make a strong plant.

Do not forget to plant in a rich/loamy soil with green organic compost and feed every 2 months with plant food of your choice, and use weekly water soluble plant food.

You can choose one plant to grow some seeds for the next season, please make sure that the seed pods are dry in the stem before harvesting, because the young seed pods will never germinate. 

These plants are better when grown as an annual crop.

The seeds are easy and have a 90 to 100% germination rate with normal care.

Remember, the better soil you used right from starting the seed and planting/transplanting the plants the better/bountifully the harvest you will enjoy, Happy gardening😀