Telecomando a infrarossi per cappa, ricambio originale Whirlpool Elica codice: KIT012146.

Il ricambio potrebbe non essere prontamente disponibile per la spedizione, accertarsi della disponibilità mandando un messaggio o chiamando prima.
Viene fornito in base ai codici a barre dell'elettrodomestico, che fornirete in fase di acquisto (si veda la targhetta con i codici a barre riportate sul prodotto).

N.B Potrebbe capitare che con l'arrivo del ricambio nuovo, si notino alcune differenze con il vecchio ricambio.
Questo perchè potrebbe essere di produzione precedente al nuovo.

Per conoscere se il ricambio risulta adatto al vostro elettrodomestico è necessario inviare il modello a 11/12 cifre presente nel codice a barre. Tali dati sono riportati sul libretto di garanzia, oppure lato interno una volta rimossi i filtri.

Si prega, in fase di acquisto, di fornire un recapito di telefono da lasciare al corriere in caso di necessità.

Per qualsiasi informazione non esitate a contattarci:

Centoducati Service,
via Treviso 54, Altamura (BA) 70022
via Nazionale 228, Matera (MT) 75100
tel: 080 3115971 - 0835 1973929


Infrared remote control for hood, original Whirlpool Elica spare part code: KIT012146.

The replacement may not be readily available for shipment, please check availability by texting or calling first.
It is supplied based on the barcodes of the appliance, which you will provide at the time of purchase (see the plate with the barcodes on the product).

N.B It could happen that with the arrival of the new spare part, you will notice some differences with the old spare part.
This is because it could be of previous production to the new one.

To find out if the spare part is suitable for your appliance it is necessary to send the 11/12 digit model present in the barcode. These data are shown in the guarantee booklet, or on the inside once the filters have been removed.

During the purchase phase, please provide a telephone number to be left with the courier in case of need.

For any information do not hesitate to contact us:

Centoducati Service,
via Treviso 54, Altamura (BA) 70022
via Nazionale 228, Matera (MT) 75100
tel: 080 3115971 - 0835 1973929

Lista modelli interessati:

technical12nc modelnumber brand
851428701000 208307404401 AME287 WHIRLPOOL
852523100280 208339904401 PRF0024 ELICA
852523104220 208306404402 PRF0010 ELICA
852523104230 208306504402 PRF0010 ELICA
852523107300 208351304402 PRF0098 ELICA
852523107320 208351304404 PRF0098 ELICA
852523107280 208351104401 PRF0098 ELICA
852523107060 208339904403 PRF0098 ELICA
852523107070 208339904404 PRF0098 ELICA
852523107080 208339904405 PRF0098 ELICA
852523109660 208352004402 PRF0098 ELICA
852523109680 208352004404 PRF0098 ELICA
852523108720 208339904402 PRF0024 ELICA
852523108390 208307404402 PRF0097 ELICA
852523112450 208352004409 PRF0098 ELICA
852523112470 208352004411 PRF0098 ELICA
852523112640 208351304409 PRF0098 ELICA
852523112660 208351304411 PRF0098 ELICA
852523115160 208351304421PRF00983 ELICA
852523115180 208351304425PRF00983 ELICA
852523115250 208352004423PRF00983 ELICA
852523115270 208352004426PRF00983 ELICA
858946102380 208355404488PRF01294 ELICA
858946102390 208355404487PRF01294 ELICA
852523116274 208346404405PRF00980 ELICA
852523112229 208355404640PRF00983 ELICA
852523112233 208355404642PRF00983 ELICA
852523112234 208355404643PRF00983 ELICA
852523112235 208355404645PRF00983 ELICA
852523108572 208339904406PRF00242 ELICA
858946102796 208355404797PRF01419 ELICA
858946100375 208355404798PRF01420 ELICA
852523116431 208355404912PRF01462 ELICA
852523116432 208355404913PRF01462 ELICA
852523116433 208355404915PRF01462 ELICA
852523116434 208355404914PRF01462 ELICA
852523116435 208355404916PRF01462 ELICA
852523116441 208355404917PRF01462 ELICA
852523116442 208355404918PRF01462 ELICA
858946103166 208355405111PRF01165 ELICA
858946103143 208355405112PRF01188 ELICA
858946103145 208355405513PRF01518 ELICA
858946103146 208355405515PRF01518 ELICA
858946103147 208355405518PRF01518 ELICA
858946103044 208355404956PRF01462 ELICA
858946103045 208355404957PRF01462 ELICA
852523116332 208355404592PRF00917 ELICA
859698000260 208355405542 PRF0147 ELICA
859698000270 208355405638 PRF0147 ELICA
859698000280 208355405541 PRF0147 ELICA
859698000380 208355405512 PRF0146 ELICA
859698000390 208355405519 PRF0146 ELICA
859698000460 208355405507 PRF0146 ELICA
859698000470 208355405524 PRF0146 ELICA
859698000480 208355405523 PRF0146 ELICA
852523110830 208352004406 PRF0110 ELICA
852523110700 208352004408 PRF0110 ELICA
852523112380 208346404404 PRF0098 ELICA
852523112490 208352004416 PRF0110 ELICA
852523112510 208352004413 PRF0110 ELICA
852523112690 208351304416 PRF0110 ELICA
852523112710 208351304413 PRF0110 ELICA
852523114040 208352004421 PRF0098 ELICA
852523114030 208352004422 PRF0098 ELICA
852523113670 208351361102 PRF0113 ELICA
852523114080 208351304418 PRF0098 ELICA
852523115000 208351304420 PRF0098 ELICA
852523115210 208351304429PRF01105 ELICA
852523115240 208351304432 PRF0110 ELICA
852523115290 208352004428PRF01105 ELICA
852523115320 208352004431PRF01105 ELICA
852523115870 208353904402PRF01207 ELICA
858946100570 208355304403 PRF0120 ELICA
858946100580 208355304402 PRF0120 WHIRLPOOL
858946100590 208355304401 PRF0120 WHIRLPOOL
859698001225 208351361108 PRF0113160 ELICA
Modello Descrizione 12NC
PRF0098000 ETOILE 60X100 AP WH/GL/F 208346404404-P151
PRF0098360 EDITHCLASSIC/F/50 208351304402-P151
PRF0098361 EDITHROCK/F/50 208351304403-P151
PRF0098364 EDITHHEAVYMETAL/F/50 208351304401-P151
PRF0098365 AUDREYCLASSIC/F/50 208352004402-P151
PRF0098366 AUDREYROCK/F/50 208352004403-P151
PRF0098368 AUDREYHEAVYMETAL/F/50 208352004401-P151
PRF0098392 SEASHELL WH MAT/F/80 208339904403-P151
PRF0098394 SEASHELL IX/F/80 208339904404-P151
PRF0109942 EDITHPURE 208351904401-P151
PRF0110527 AUDREYSENSEJAZZ/F/50 208352004408-P151
PRF0110529 AUDREYSENSEHEAVYMETAL/F/50 208352004405-P151
PRF0110530 AUDREYSENSECLASSIC/F/50 208352004406-P151
PRF0110531 EDITHSENSEJAZZ/F/50 208351304408-P151
PRF0110533 EDITHSENSEHEAVYMETAL/F/50 208351304406-P151
PRF0110534 EDITHSENSECLASSIC/F/50 208351304405-P151
PRF0113160 ALTAIRWH/F/50(711000) 208351361102-P151
PRF0113161 ALTAIRGRAY/F/50(711001) 208351361103-P151
PRF0010434A PURE WAVE 208306504402-P151
PRF0010435 PURE OLA 208306404401-P151
PRF0024262 SHELL WH/F/80 208339904402-P151
PRF0024262A SEASHELL WH/F/80 208339904406-P151
PRF0010434 PURE WAVE 208306504401-P151
PRF0010435A PURE OLA 208306404402-P151
PRF0097543 CLOUD NINE GME WH/F/120 208307404402-P151
PRF0098362 EDITHJAZZ/F/50 208351304404-P151
PRF0098367 AUDREYJAZZ/F/50 208352004404-P151
PRF0098375 YE WH/A/66 208351104401-P151
PRF0098393 SEASHELL BL/F/80 208339904405-P151
PRF0103891 ALTAIRIX/F/50 208351361101-P151
PRF0098360 EDITH CLASSIC/F/50 208351304409-P151
PRF0098361 EDITH ROCK/F/50 208351304410-P151
PRF0098364 EDITH HEAVYMETAL/F/50 208351304412-P151
PRF0098365 AUDREY CLASSIC/F/50 208352004409-P151
PRF0098367 AUDREY JAZZ/F/50 208352004411-P151
PRF0098368 AUDREY HEAVYMETAL/F/50 208352004412-P151
PRF0109942 EDITH PURE 208351904402-P151
PRF0110527 AUDREY SENSE JAZZ/F/50 208352004413-P151
PRF0110529 AUDREY SENSE HEAVYMETAL/F/50 208352004415-P151
PRF0110530 AUDREY SENSE CLASSIC/F/50 208352004416-P151
PRF0110533 EDITH SENSE HEAVYMETAL/F/50 208351304415-P151
PRF0113161 ALTAIR GRAY/F/50 (711001) 208351361106-P151
PRF0098362 EDITH JAZZ/F/50 208351304411-P151
PRF0098366 AUDREY ROCK/F/50 208352004410-P151
PRF0103891 ALTAIR IX/F/50 208351361104-P151
PRF0110531 EDITH SENSE JAZZ/F/50 208351304413-P151
PRF0110534 EDITH SENSE CLASSIC/F/50 208351304416-P151
PRF0113160 ALTAIR WH/F/50 (711000) 208351361105-P151
PRF0116538 SUMMILUX IX/F/50 (711661) 208353904401-P151
PRF0118893 INTERSTELLAR IX/F/65 208354004401-P151
PRF0120253 INTERSTELLAR BL/F/65 208354004402-P151
PRF0120792 SUMMILUX COPPER/F/50 208353904402-P151
PRF0098360A EDITH CLASSIC/F/50 208351304418-P151
PRF0098362A EDITH JAZZ/F/50 208351304420-P151
PRF0098364A EDITH HEAVYMETAL/F/50 208351304417-P151
PRF0098365A AUDREY CLASSIC/F/50 208352004421-P151
PRF0098367A AUDREY JAZZ/F/50 208352004422-P151
PRF0098368A AUDREY HEAVYMETAL/F/50 208352004419-P151
PRF0120972 EMPTY SKY WH/A/120 208355304401-P151
PRF0120973 EMPTY SKY WH/F/120 208355304402-P151
PRF0120974 EMPTY SKY SENSE WH/F/120 208355304403-P151
PRF0098360 EDITH CLASSIC/F/50 208351304421-P151
PRF0098361 EDITH ROCK/F/50 208351304423-P151
PRF0098362 EDITH JAZZ/F/50 208351304425-P151
PRF0098364 EDITH HEAVYMETAL/F/50 208351304427-P151
PRF0098365 AUDREY CLASSIC/F/50 208352004423-P151
PRF0098366 AUDREY ROCK/F/50 208352004425-P151
PRF0098367 AUDREY JAZZ/F/50 208352004426-P151
PRF0098368 AUDREY HEAVYMETAL/F/50 208352004427-P151
PRF0109942 EDITH PURE 208351904403-P151
PRF0110527 AUDREY SENSE JAZZ/F/50 208352004428-P151
PRF0110529 AUDREY SENSE HEAVYMETAL/F/50 208352004430-P151
PRF0110530 AUDREY SENSE CLASSIC/F/50 208352004431-P151
PRF0110531 EDITH SENSE JAZZ/F/50 208351304429-P151
PRF0110533 EDITH SENSE HEAVYMETAL/F/50 208351304431-P151
PRF0110534 EDITH SENSE CLASSIC/F/50 208351304432-P151
PRF0103891 ALTAIR IX/F/50 208351361107-P151
PRF0113160 ALTAIR WH/F/50 (711000) 208351361108-P151
PRF0113161 ALTAIR GRAY/F/50 (711001) 208351361109-P151
PRF0098000 ETOILE 60X100 AP WH/GL/F 208346404405-P151
PRF0129430 EITS320SS 208355404487-P151
PRF0129437 ESMS320SS 208355404488-P151
PRF0098368 AUDREY HEAVYMETAL/F/50 208352004417-P151
PRF0098368A AUDREY HEAVYMETAL/F/50 208352004432-P151
PRF0110529 AUDREY SENSE HEAVYMETAL/F/50 208352004418-P151
PRF0098360 EDITH CLASSIC/F/50 208355404643-P151
PRF0098361 EDITH ROCK/F/50 208355404639-P151
PRF0098362 EDITH JAZZ/F/50 208355404640-P151
PRF0098364 EDITH HEAVYMETAL/F/50 208355404644-P151
PRF0098365 AUDREY CLASSIC/F/50 208355404645-P151
PRF0098366 AUDREY ROCK/F/50 208355404641-P151
PRF0098367 AUDREY JAZZ/F/50 208355404642-P151
PRF0098368 AUDREY HEAVYMETAL/F/50 208355404646-P151
PRF0141953 CLOUD SEVEN IX/F/90 208355404797-P341
PRF0142094 CLOUD SEVEN IX/A/90 208355404798-P341
PRF0146245 HILIGHT H30 IX/A/100 208355404912-P341
PRF0146246 HILIGHT GLASS H30 WH/A/100 208355404913-P341
PRF0146250 ILLUSION H30 PAINT/A/100 208355404914-P341
PRF0146251 ILLUSION H30 WH/A/100 208355404915-P341
PRF0146232 SKYDOME H30 A/100 208355404916-P341
PRF0146227 LULLABY WH WOOD/A/120 208355404917-P341
PRF0146229 LULLABY WOOD/A/120 208355404918-P341
PRF0146225 LULLABY WOOD/F/120 208355404956-P341
PRF0146226 LULLABY WH WOOD/F/120 208355404957-P341
PRF0151808 INTERSTELLAR IX/F/65 208355405513-P151
PRF0151810 SUMMILUX IX/F/50 208355405515-P151
PRF0151811 SUMMILUX COPPER/F/50 208355405518-P151
PRF0118893 INTERSTELLAR IX/F/65 208355405112-P151
PRF0116538 SUMMILUX IX/F/50 (711661) 208355405111-P151
PRF0120253 INTERSTELLAR BL/F/65 208355405113-P151
PRF0147726 ILLUSION H16 PAINT/A/100 208355405542-P341
PRF0147727 ILLUSION H16 WH/A/100 208355405638-P341
PRF0147735 SKYDOME H16 A/100 208355405541-P341
PRF0146230 SKYDOME NO MOTOR A/100 208355405507-P341
PRF0146253 ILLUSION NO MOTOR WH/A/100 208355405524-P341
PRF0146252 ILLUSION NO MOTOR PAINT/A/100 208355405523-P341
PRF0146247 HILIGHT NO MOTOR IX/A/100 208355405512-P341
PRF0146248 HILIGHT GLASS NO MOTOR WH/A/100 208355405519-P341
PRF0024262A SEASHELL WH/F/80 208355405869-P151
PRF0098392 SEASHELL WH MAT/F/80 208355405870-P151
PRF0098393 SEASHELL BL/F/80 208355405871-P151
PRF0098394 SEASHELL IX/F/80 208355405872-P151
PRF0024262A SEASHELL WH/F/80 208355405884-P151
PRF0098392 SEASHELL WH MAT/F/80 208355405885-P151
PRF0098393 SEASHELL BL/F/80 208355405886-P151
PRF0098394 SEASHELL IX/F/80 208355405887-P151
PRF0147726 ILLUSION H16 PAINT/A/100 208355405841-P341
PRF0147727 ILLUSION H16 WH/A/100 208355405842-P341
PRF0147735 SKYDOME H16 A/100 208355405843-P341
PRF0163520 HILIGHT-X H30 IX/A/100 208355405944-P341
PRF0163523 HILIGHT-X NO MOTOR IX/A/100 208355405945-P341
PRF0142094A CLOUD SEVEN IX/A/90 208355406009-P341
PRF0167044 HILIGHT GLASS H16 WH/A/100 208355406138-P341
PRF0167045 HILIGHT-X H16 IX/A/100 208355406139-P341
PRF0173442 HILIGHT-X H16 WH/A/100 208355406424-P341
PRF0173444 HILIGHT-X H30 WH/A/100 208355406427-P341
PRF0167047 LULLABY @ WOOD/F/120 208355406372-P341
PRF0167049 LULLABY @ WH WOOD/F/120 208355406374-P341
PRF0147727A ILLUSION H16 WH/A/100 208355406449-P341
PRF0167044A HILIGHT GLASS H16 WH/A/100 208355406451-P341
PRF0147735A SKYDOME H16 A/100 208355406450-P341
PRF0147726A ILLUSION H16 PAINT/A/100 208355406448-P341
PRF0173442A HILIGHT-X H16 WH/A/100 208355406505-P341
PRF0167045A HILIGHT-X H16 IX/A/100 208355406452-P341
PRF0167046 LULLABY @ WOOD/A/120 208355406371-P341
PRF0167048 LULLABY @ WH WOOD/A/120 208355406373-P341
PRF0163520A HILIGHT-X H30 IX/A/100 208355406553-P341
PRF0146246A HILIGHT GLASS H30 WH/A/100 208355406547-P341
PRF0146250A ILLUSION H30 PAINT/A/100 208355406548-P341
PRF0173444A HILIGHT-X H30 WH/A/100 208355406551-P341
PRF0146232A SKYDOME H30 A/100 208355406546-P341
PRF0146251A ILLUSION H30 WH/A/100 208355406549-P341
PRF0176166 SUMMILUX LIGHT GREY/F/50 208355406577-P151
PRF0176167 SUMMILUX CAST IRON/F/50 208355406578-P151
PRF0098361 EDITH ROCK/F/50 208355406569-P151
PRF0113161 ALTAIR GRAY/F/50 (711001) 208355406573-P151
PRF0098360 EDITH CLASSIC/F/50 208355406568-P151
PRF0098364 EDITH HEAVYMETAL/F/50 208355406570-P151
PRF0103891 ALTAIR IX/F/50 208355406571-P151
PRF0113160 ALTAIR WH/F/50 (711000) 208355406572-P151
PRF0178991 MIRA H16 IX/A/100 208355406643-P341