Hi & welcome to 4 Ingredients eBay store where all books are personally signed by Kim McCosker, Author & Owner

 Introducing 4 Ingredients Menu Planner

Why order Menu Planning?




1 in 5 bags of groceries bought by Australians and New Zealanders will end up in the bin.  This translates to $20 from every $100 spent going to waste!




My aim with 4 Ingredients MENU PLANNING was to create a "kitchen bible" that simplifies this task.  I've split a week into days, I'v attributed names to each day, keeping it practical and fun - that's right, Wednesday has never been the same now we know it as - Easy Freezy Wednesday?  Or my personal favourites; Meals in Minutes Tuesday and Thrifty Thursday!


To save time and money in the kitchen, I cannot stress enough the importance of sitting down each week and creating a simple menu plan.  Extracting from it the ingredients you don't have and then simply shopping for the ones you need.


Then each time that relentless question "What's 4 dinner" arises, with assured clarity you can answer "Check the Menu Plan, Dear!"


This exclusive title will only be available via Lifetime Distributors "The Book People" and direct from the 4 Ingredients website. This title will NOT be for available from our normal retail distribution channels until MAY 2014.  However, first copies will arrive at our office 1st September, 2013, and will be available from Lifetime Distributors shortly after.

Be sure to check our website for weekly specials and bundles: www.4ingredients.com.au

Happy Cooking


*Please note books can not be personalised*