schwarzes Strick-Hemd mit roter Tasche, sehr tolles Hemd, original 50s /60s Hemd

Label: Gino Rossini Styled in Italy

Size Tag:L

genaue Größe / Exact measurements
Länge hinten (ohne Kragen / LENGTH  NECK TO END OF WAISTBAND (without collar):68 cm

Brust einfach / CHEST: ARM PIT TO ARM PIT: 56 cm

Zustand eigentlich sehr gut, allerdings hat das Hemd leider ein paar kleine Löcher, siehe Fotos

Condition: good condition, just a few tiny holes - see pictures

Tierfreier Nichtraucherhaushalt
Privatverkauf - keine Rückgabe

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I ship worldwide - but during these days shipping to many countries or regions is not longer possible! 
EU: most countries still deliver parcels, but it may change daily. Please be aware of changes. If it is not possible to deliver to your adress, I can keep the item until shipping is possible again. 
Outside EU: please ask for prices and I will check possibilities 

Great Britain -Customers Attention! Because of Brexit , shipping to GB is more expensive than in this auction! Ebay has yet not updated the countries in the EU-country-selection. This Fee is just for EU!