Behind Russian Lines: An Afghan Journal by Sandy Gall Hardback Book 1983.

Very good condition

In the summer of 1982, Sandy Gall took a television team into Afghanistan because he felt that the guerrilla war against the Russian occupation was totally unreported in the west. With his companions, he set out to find the guerrilla movement's prominent leader, Masud, in his stronghold of the Panjsher Valley, 50 miles north-east of Kabul. After walking 150 miles over spectacular mountain and desert country, they ran into a Russian offensive, including heavy aeriel bombardment. For 3 weeks they were seperated from their camera equipment and nearly failed to make their documentary for ITV. A last-minute reappearance by the camera saved the day, and the highly acclaimed documentary was shot. But the next problem was how to get out, there inward route now being closed.