MineTan Cleansing 2 in 1 Pre-Tan Prep & Prime Eraser


Prep prime your skin to perfection for your next self tan

Erase self tan build up in minutes with this pH balancing 2 in 1 cleanser and primer.

All to make your tan go on smoother, last longer and look more natural.

Prep and prime your skin before your next tan with this pH balancing 2 in 1 cleanser and primer. Removes all traces of self tan build up to create the perfect starting point for your next self tan.

Tan Eraser latches onto dirt, oils and your old self tan, gently removing them and leaving your skin with an unparalleled hydrated, conditioning finish. All to make your tan go on smoother, last longer and look more natural. Remove your old tan so you can start afresh and do it all again!

Tan Eraser suits all skin types and tones for those wanting to remove self tan build up andprime skin to create the perfect canvas for your next self tan.