—bigpod sesbania, danglepod, coffeeweed (Sesbania herbacea (syn. S. exaltata))—annual flower to sub-shrub

Size: 3-10’ tall by 2-5’ wide

—Site: full sun to part-shade

To Propagate: Seed requires no pretreatment but germination is improved with scarification.

Bigpod sesbania is a native sesbania which occurs naturally in low sandy fields to streams, roadsides, and disturbed areas—tolerant of a wide-range of conditions.

Variable in height and typically growing in stands bigpod can range from a short perennial to a large sub-shrub in size. Its delicate orderly-arranged leaves flutter in a breeze. The showy yellow familiar pea family flowers are a bee and pollinator magnet. Great for back of the flower border.

Seeds are favored by wildlife and for this reason has been planted to attract game birds. Being a legume bigpod sesbania increases nitrogen and the fertility of soil making it an important pioneer plant in disturbed areas—flooding increases nodules and thus nitrogen production. Also used extensively in agriculture as a cover crop being plowed under before flowering.

We also offer two other native species of Sesbania—another annual Sesbania vesicaria (ebay.com/itm/143200958937) and a perennial Sesbania drummondii (ebay.com/itm/143198899494). Each listing has an option to purchase all three species—100 seeds of each species for a total of 300 seeds—at a discount.

Note: If you order more than one lot of one species of seeds, for example, you place two orders of 100 seeds we assume you want 200 seeds and your order will be sent in one seed packet.