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New electronic kit with new base plate fits all DK4 and DKY4 Lucas distributors

Electronic conversion kits fits inside the original distributor NEGATIVE EARTH

Replaces worn out points

Reliable, damp proof and easier starting.

For Lucas DK4  DK6 Distributors this easy to fit system can transform any classic into a reliable everyday mode of transport.

Not affected by damp conditions, better fuel Economy, better starting

Easy to fit often only taking 5 minutes, no holes to drill, no complicated wiring.

No need to get spark gap or dwell correct as this is automatic and best of all nothing bolted to the outside of the distributor.

These smaller than a match box units fit inside the distributor in the same place as the points, just 2 wires come out from the distributor to the ignition coil.

Electronic kit fits DK4A Lucas distributors with bakelite base
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