SAPI is a terminology first coined by the US Forces to refer to the Small Arms Protective Inserts or simply as bulletproof plates, these were used then and now still to upgrade the protection available to troops on the ground from small arms fire and hence it has now become a standard term worldwide.


Made from Ceramic Alumina with a waterproof Polyethylene outer layer, THE standard for ballistic plates.

The 30cm x 25cm plate is the standard fitting size for the majority of plate carriers on the commercial market and is also compatible with existing military plate carriers which may be found cost effectively on the surplus market so it is no small wonder that the 30cm x 25cm size is in popular demand.

Will also work with British Army Osprey and Virtus STV plate carriers.

These plates are curve plates, as the name suggests, provide more curves and contours for a more specific fit. Because curve plates offer the additional contours, they are often more comfortable and provide a closer fit .

The SAPI plate retailed here are sold in pairs and provide the most essential protection to the chest and back areas of the body where any ballistic threat may strike the body and cause permanent damage during wartime or peacekeeping military operations or any officer in their course of duty during law enforcement proceedings.

The National institute of Justice has long been the international standard to which manufacturers seem to meet the minimum requirements when desiring a level of certification according to the threat level involved and the scale of protection may be scaled up or down according to the expected changing dynamics on the ground.

These plates shown here can be used in a STA aka Standard Alone capacity so they can be used either in conjunction with vests which may have a “soft filler” which is designed to provide low-level stopping power and most important protection from the most common threat being shrapnel when indirect fire capabilities are encountered.

Stand alone plates can be removed from all plate carriers for the purpose of cleaning the outerwear of the vest and are easy to care and maintain as well as replace in the event the plates themselves take any form of small arms fire.

Please note some countries may have import restrictions on these types of products and it is impossible for us to check every country requirement so please ensure you are legally allowed to import ballistic protection items; it is known in some countries that it is prohibited and in some states of the USA.

Ceramic Alumina PE SAPI Plate 30cm x 25cm Specifications

Will insert into the front and back of most plate carriers, each panel is sized 25x30cm (10x12 inch) and 2.7kg give or take each