ELECFREAKS Cutebot is a rear-wheel-drive smart car driven by dual high-speed motors. Packed with onboard extras including an ultrasonic sensor, distance sensor, two RGB LED headlights, bottoms side clearance lamps, two line-tracking probes, and an active buzzer as the horn! It's time to practice coding and driving your first smart car!

Supporting both graphical programming in the Makeblock Code Editor and MicroPython programming languages, the Cutebot is a great place for beginners to start and develop their coding skills and helps them naturally shift from graphical to text-based languages.

Working Voltage3.5V — 5V
Dimension85.68mm X 85.34mm X 38.10mm
Infrared ControlConnect to P16
RGB Headlights2 x RGB
Rainbow LED2 x RainbowLED connect to P15
ConnectionIIC Port(P19, P20), Servo Port(S1, S2), Ultrasonic Port, P1, P2(GVS lead-out)
Motor TypeGA12-N20 DC micro gear deceleration motor(300 RPM)
Ultrasonic Sensor TypeHC-SR04(2cm-400cm Contactless distance detection, precision ±1.5mm)