Please Note: All prescription diets are specifically formulated to meet specific needs, ALWAYS check with your vet which diet is best suited to your pet before ordering.

PURINA PRO PLAN® VETERINARY DIETS DM Diabetes Management 1.5kg Dry Cat Food

PURINA PRO PLAN® VETERINARY DIETS DM St/Ox Diabetes Management Cat Food is recommended for diabetes mellitus, enteritis and chronic diarrhoea. It is not recommended for chronic kidney disease, hepatic encephalopathy, pregnancy, lactation and growth.


  • - Clinically proven to help reduce insulin requirements in some diabetic cats
  • - Low in carbohydrates to help reduce blood glucose variation
  • - Increased antioxidant vitamin E to reduce oxidative stress
  • - Contains high levels of arginine to help stimulate insulin release from pancreatic -cells
  • - Suitable for diabetic cats prone to gain weight
  • - Formulation adapted to allow weight loss with specific feeding guidelines
  • - Helps to ensure patient compliance through use of high quality ingredients and good palatability


  • Dried poultry protein, corn protein meal*, soya protein powder, corn starch*, pork fat, soya meal*, digest, minerals, dried yeast, fish oil. *Carbohydrate sources. Analytical Constituents: protein: 50.0 %, fat content: 17.0 %, crude ash: 8.0 %, crude fibre: 1.5 %, starch: 12.5 %, total sugars: 0.8 %, essential fatty acids: 2.0 %. Nutritional additives: IU/kg: vit A: 30 000, vit D3: 1 000, vit E: 650, mg/kg : taurine: 600, iron (II) sulphate monohydrate (Fe: 135), calcium iodate anhydrous (I: 2.1), copper (II) sulphate pentahydrate (Cu: 14), manganous sulphate monohydrate (Mn:50), zinc sulphate monohydrate (Zn: 125), sodium selenite (Se: 0.15)