Self Sustaining Ecosphere/Ecosystem DIY seed

If you buy plants you will receive 3 stems of hornwort and a portion of subwassertang check the last picture.

The substrate is live and is already full of beneficial bacteria good for seeding ecospheres/ecosystems and even aquariums. 

Large Ecosphere seed 


What you will receive:

20+ Adult scud shrimp

20+ Ostracods

3 Asellus Aquaticus

3 Bladder snail

3 Malaysian trumpet snail

3 Ramshorn snails 

You will need a aged container of water of at least 1000ml that has been in in-direct sunlight or under artificial light for a couple of weeks to get algae and beneficial bacteria growing before adding the ecosphere seed. Make sure the container/ecosphere has plants in for oxygenation. 

Small Ecosphere seed 


What you will receive:

10+ Adult scud shrimp

10+ Ostracods

1 Asellus Aquaticus

1 Bladder snail

1 Malaysian trumpet snail

1 Ramshorn snails 

You will need a aged container of water of at least 500ml that has been in in-direct sunlight or under artificial light for a couple of weeks to get algae and beneficial bacteria growing before adding the ecosphere seed. Make sure the container/ecosphere has plants in for oxygenation. 

Any questions? Send me a message.

Dispatched via royal mail Monday to Thursday via royal mail first class. Special Saturday delivery available for extra costs via royal mail.