Di-Vetelact® OriginalDV

Milk Replacer and Nutritional Supplement

Delicious, premium, powdered milk replacer and nutritional supplement. 
It provides premium nutrition for sustained growth, development and vitality of animals from infancy through to senior years. 

It has been trusted by Australian vets and breeders for over 40 years. 


Serve as a delicious milk drink or sprinkle over food as a tasty topper. See pack for serving instructions.

Feeding Guide

Directions for Use :

Use the Di-Vetelact® scoop supplied, 20mL Di-Vetelact® Scoop = 9 grams powder, and
Add 1 scoop to 60mL of warm water.
For 1 Litre : add 15 scoops,135g to 900mL.

Ensure water has been pre-boiled and is cooled to approximately 40ºC. Mix together well to form a smooth milk consistency. Always shake or stir vigorously before feeding to evenly distribute nutrients.

Serve immediately or refrigerate and serve within 24 hours.
Bottle feeding: Any milk remaining in the bottle should be discarded after the feed.
Bowl feeding: Any milk remaining in the bowl should be discarded after 2 hours. Ensure bowl is cleaned well.

Serving :

Feed orphan and early weaned infants (0-6 weeks) with sterilised teat and bottle.
Once 6 weeks, feed from a saucer or bowl to encourage lapping.
For animals not inclined to lap milk, mix Di-Vetelact® Original milk or paste into their food. Or, sprinkle powder over their meal as a delicious topper. Always ensure plenty of drinking water is available.

Storage :

Sealed container should be stored in a cool dry place. Once opened keep sealed when not in use and for best results use within 1 month of opening.