1880s cabinet card photo of young boy in skirt in garden setting holding a wheelbarrow identified as Jesse Kenyon age 5.  Photograph made by Williams & Kenyon studio Nos. 79 & 81 Genesee Street, Utica, New York. Nice addition to your cabinet card photographic images collection.

I can offer a discount on combined shipping if you buy more than one item from my store at the same time. Ask me about it.

I have collected cabinet cards & cdvs for 40+ years, mostly because of the interesting photographer's logos & backmarks on the cards. I will be selling off most of my collection on Ebay in the coming weeks. If you are a collector of vintage photographs be sure to check back often

In addition to selling historic photographic images, I also sell vintage cameras, photo collectables, historic early photography books & literature and other unusual collectables in my Ebay Store - check it out by clicking on Visit Store. Follow my store as I am always adding more interesting & unique items.