Crystal healing is a technique in which crystals and stones are used to cure ailments and protect against future diseases.

The crystals act as a conduit for healing by allowing positive energy to flow into the body, whilst providing a pathway for negative energy to flow out.          

All my bracelets are handmade and are made from only the top quality Crystal Gemstones.      

Gemstones have physical, metaphysical, and psychological effects on their users. Healing crystals and gemstones should be used inconjunction with other therapies.

If you are experiencing any symptoms or have any specific questions concerning your health, please consult with your healthcare provider.      

These bracelet combinations are put together to assist your body in dealing with issues that you may be facing in your life.

Your bodies energy can take up to two weeks to align with the stones.        

If you see any of my bracelets you want, these can be made in either 6mm and 8mm beads and come in a free Organza or Velvet Gift Bag with a free piece of Amethyst for you to keep with you or put under your pillow for further Healing.         

I research and can make Crystal Healing bracelets to order in any size required or for any other condition or ailment and I will especially dedicate it to your specific need, just message me your request with the size.  Selenite is an excellent crystal for recharging your energy as you sleep. It will realign and clear chakras which may be dirty or blocked. required.

My normal size is approx 17cm but as I said this can be tailored to your need.         

This Pendant will come to you cleared and cleansed of any negative energies and Reiki Energy Charged.         

Love and Light         


8MM SELENITE PENDANT and comes in a free Velvet or Organza Gift Bag.


Cleansing - Purifying

Selenite is an excellent crystal for recharging your energy as you sleep. It will realign and clear chakras which may be dirty or blocked.

Selenite is best known for being a clearing & purification crystal. It can be used to clear the aura from negativity or stuck energy, and to clear crystals by placing them on top of a flat piece of selenite. Because of this property, it does not need to be cleansed or charged itself. 

Selenite is commonly used in crystal grids. Second only to quartz, selenite is one of the most versatile and useful crystals for crystal healers to own. 

Selenite is also used to open and activate the crown chakra, third eye, and the “etheric chakras” above the head. These are gateways to higher realms. 

Selenite is a form of gypsum, a soft mineral with a hardness of 2 on the Mohs scale. 

Its chemical composition is calcium sulfate dihydrate and it can form into huge crystals many feet across. 

It is related to alabasterand desert rose, but not to selenium. It’s name derives from the Greek name for the moon. It has a striated appearance (consisting of parallel lines) and a silky sheen. 

Selenite is usually transparent, colorless, or white, although can sometimes have a light coloring from the presence of other minerals. 

Selenite can begin to dissolve in water, so it is important to never get it wet. 


Because selenite is so soft and can dissolve in water, it’s not usually made into jewelry except for serious crystal fans