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This is an early 1800s oil painting on a papier mache tray of what is now Trump Turnberry Castle - the previous encumbent King Robert the Bruce in about 1300. Today a lighthouse built on the site in 1900 is The (£7000 a night) Lighthouse-Suite, one of the most exclusive hotel suites in the world at Trump Turnberry golf resort and the view shown on the tray is painted from what is now The 'King Robert the Bruce' Course at his resort. A similar modern painting hangs in the stairway hall of the light-house suite today.
However I'm sure Donald himself would also appreciate this early 1800s 'real deal' and the fact that the site was worthy of such a painting as early as 1800. Its even nicer that such a fine painting is on a tray - the original intention of the tray manufacturers being to link function with the highest quality aesthetic - which is what Trump golf courses do so well.
The maximum width of the tray is 32 inches and it is heavy.
(Before about 1830-40  - there was a penchant for a newly developed and very lucrative papier mache industry (using a new resin binder with the paper to make it strong)  to paint their wares with top level oil paintings - making them suitable for use by royalty etc. This is a period example of that genre. Such trays are each unique works of art in themselves; and to find this one, with Turnberry castle depicted, and painted so well, is lucky to say the least after 200 years.