The Avalon Hill General Magazine D Vol. 25 No. 3

Magazine generally in a good condition for age but some range to front cover

If there is a insert included with the magazine I will have taken a photo of it.


SEP-OCT 1988 
Patton's Best – “Riding with the best - A Commander's eye view of Patton's Best” (Discussion) Jeff Petraska
Patton's Best – “Canada's Best - The Saga of the Canadian 4th Armoured” (Variant Discussion) Mitch Rupe
Patton's Best – “Wheels of Democracy - The development of the M4 Sherman” (Historical) Jeff Petraska
Patton's Best – “Improving on Patton's Best-Realism in the solitaire game” (Strategy) Rich Jennings
Afrika Korps – “Up gunning an old warrior -Afrika Korps for everybody” (Variant Discussion) Richard Gutenkunst
Rise and Decline of the Third Reich – “A new campaign -Third Reich -1941” (Scenarios) Larry Bucher
Advanced Squad Leader – “Squad Leader Clinic- Guns versus tanks” (Strategy) John Mischon
West of Alamein: ASL Module 5 – “Gunned-up in the desert- A West of Alamein: ASL Module 5 adventure” (Strategy) Mark C. Nixon
Advanced Squad Leader – “Bring up the guns - ASL Scenario G7” (Scenarios)
Advanced Squad Leader – “First crisis of Army Group North - ASL Sceanrio M” (Scenarios)
Title Bout – “Sports Special - The Knockout game” (Strategy) Jim Burnett
Panzergruppe Guderian – “Storming Smolensk via the postal route- Panzergruppe Guderian by mail” (Variant Discussion) Jim Lutz
PanzerBlitz, Panzer Leader: Game of Tactical Warfare on the Western Front, The Arab-Israeli Wars: Tank Battles in the Mideast – “The King of Battle- Artillery in the PanzerBlitz series” (Variant) Carl Schwamberger
Up Front – “Up Front with Sgt. Rock- American problems in the patrol scenario” (Commentary) Stephen Harvester
Storm over Arnhem – “Prelude to the Storm over Arnhem- A Historical perspective” (Strategy) Chuck Lane
Panzer Leader: Game of Tactical Warfare on the Western Front – “A rock and a hard place - Panzer Leader: Game of Tactical Warfare on the Western Front Situation #12” (Strategy) Steve Wheeler
The Battle of the Bulge – “Those Bitter Woods -German tactics in The Battle of the Bulge” (Strategy) John Malaska
The Question Box - Rise and Decline of the Third Reich