Disney Club Penguin : The Great Puffle Switch : Pick Your Path 4

by Tracey West

B ook number 4 in the awesome Pick Your Path adventure series: Club Penguin The Great Puffle Switch A magical event has occurred on Club Penguin: You and your pet puffle have switched bodies! See life through the eyes of a puffle as you go on amazing adventures, along with some new puffle friends. In the end, will you find a way to switch back to a penguin, or will you become a puffle forever? The choice is yours! Title : Disney Club Penguin : The Great Puffle Switch : Pick Your Path 4
Author : Tracey West
ISBN : 9781409390169

Language : English

Category : Fiction
Subject : Childrens Fiction

Publication Year : 2009
Publisher : Ladybird Books
Pages : 80
Binding : Softcover
Condition : Good - light wear on covers

Product Code : 41230

Product Dimensions :

Height (mm) : 196
Width (mm) : 125
Thickness (mm) : 8
Weight (grams) : 92

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