How To Stay Motivated - Volume 1

How To Stay Motivated provides you with clear and proven techniques to enhance your relationships, improve your self-image, set and achieve your goals, and so much more! Apply these winning steps from Zig Ziglar, the motivational master himself, to build a better, more successful, more satisfying life for you and your family. Change your picture - change every facet of your life.

ZIG ZIGLAR - (1926 - 2012), world renowned author and speaker, had an appeal that transcended barriers of age, culture and occupation. During his lifetime he traveled over five million miles across the world delivering powerful life-improvement messages, cultivating the energy of change. He wrote thirty celebrated books on personal growth, leadership, sales, faith, family, and success; ten were on the bestseller lists. Mr. Ziglar's books and tapes have been translated into over thirty languages and dialects.

7 CD Set