Natural Montana stone
Size:- 40X14,2MM

Weight:- 38 Carat 

Both pieces available

What Is Arnica?
Arnica comes from a perennial plant scientifically known as arnica montana. You may also find it called other names including wolf’s bane, leopard's bane, mountain daisy, mountain tobacco and mountain arnica. Found in the mountainous areas of Europe and North America, the plant produces yellow, daisy-like flowers.

Lowers blood pressure compared to other waters , as it has one of the lowest sodium content in the word. Promoting diuresis, as Montana is extremely light. Consequently it purifies the kidneys ( prevent kidney stones). Detoxify the body from any potentially harmful substances.

The unique health benefits of Arnica Montana include its ability to relieve pain, reduce inflammation, eliminate internal bleeding, ...

You’ve likely sought pain relief at some point in your life. However, it’s not always easy to alleviate the body aches and soreness that may afflict you. Compounding the problem of finding relief is the concern about the side effects of the most widely used over-the-counter and prescription pain medicines. There are some natural alternatives for managing pain, one of which is arnica. In fact, pain relief is just one of arnica’s many uses. Decreased bruising, reduced swelling and easing arthritis symptoms are just a few of its other purported benefits.

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