Gym Mirrors

Nourish the skills and talents of your gym patrons and dance students with an Activity Mirror Kit. Our Wall Mirror Kit for Gym and Dance is designed for professional studios as well as home gyms and studios as a low-cost solution for dance, martial arts, aerobics, and other instructor-ed activities.

Gym Mirror
Gym Mirror
Gym Mirror

Recommended Thickness For Gym Mirrors

Gym mirrors must be robust to withstand the vibrations and echoes emitted from the high levels of physical activity in the room. If you run a commercial gym or dance studio, we recommend a mirror thickness of 0.25 inches, which is thick enough to endure the vibrations in your studio while remaining easy to install and adaptable to your studio structure. Homeowners and designers can opt for a slightly thinner mirror. However, we still recommend a thickness of 0.25 to provide the quality and safety necessary in a home studio.

Recommended Thickness of a Gym Mirror
Gym Mirror

Type of Mirror Used for Gym and Activity Center

Mirrors in gyms and activity centers need to be stronger than typical mirrors as they endure consistent and high-frequency vibrations and reverberations from the high-movement activities. Low-iron tempered glass is ideal for this environment as it’s a safety glass treated for strength and toughness. Home gyms or activity studios usually have more minor vibrations, so clear glass mirrors are a suitable and inexpensive option, but they are weaker and present more risk of breaking.

Gym Mirror

How High Should Gym Mirrors Hang From the Floor?

We recommend installing gym wall mirrors between 16 to 22 inches from the floor. At that height, gym users can see well above their head and below their feet from whatever distance they stand, providing complete visibility while doing their exercises.

Gym Mirror

How Much Does a Gym Mirror Cost?

The cost of gym mirrors varies depending on the size, thickness, and type of mirror. Thicker and tempered glass mirrors are stronger and can support the activities within gyms and are more expensive than clear glass mirrors, but offer the quality expected of professional studios. These mirrors range from around $425 to $575, depending on the size or more for customized sizes.

Affordable Small Space Home Gym Ideas

Garage Gym

Garage Gym

Garages are a great space to create a home gym. You can install a home gym mirror on a garage wall to turn the space into an exercise studio and still store your car in the space when you’re not exercising.

Activity Place in Attic

Activity Place in Attic

While attics typically aren’t accommodating enough to create another room in your home. By simply installing a gym mirror, you can transform the attic into a space suitable for any activity and even store the equipment up there.

Basement Gym


Revive the use of your basement by installing a mirror home gym. Basements offer ample space to perform your activities, space to store your equipment, and privacy to focus on your workout goals.