Due to the global situation, it is now possible to send from Poland to the following countries:

USA, Canada, Australia - by sea - ships - economic packages - proof of posting - insurance - 17 usd

USA,Canada, HongKong, Mexico, Cyprus, Canary Islands, Malta, China Israel, Iceland, China, South Korea, Thailand, Uruguay - by plane - proof of posting - insurance - 17 usd

Germany, Great Britain, France, Belgium, Denmark, Spain, Netherlands, Ireland, Portugal, Hungary , Switzerland, Czech Republic, Andorra, Estonia, Finland, Slovakia, Romania, Croatia, Russia, Italy, Serbia, Sweden, Turkey, Spain, Austria,  Lithuania, Latvia, Belarus, Monaco, Vatican, San Marino, Ukraine - by road or rail - economic parcels - proof of posting - insurance - 17 usd

Case - for Fernglass binoculars, perfect product manual

professional - genuine leather - top quality perfect - new, 1 piece

made by hand by the only true Polish specialist / craftsman - the bid - hence the duration of about ~ 30 days.
But the product is of the highest quality. Craftsman does include Orders filmmakers, museums, military representative companies, etc.,

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