Here is a real photo for a lovely child (see picture 1). The photo style is called Cabinet Portrait Cabinet Card. From the picture 1, I think the baby is about 2 years old. We can know the photo is a 1880s' photograph as the photographer is Walter Bradnee (picture 4).

The size of this Cabinet Card is about: length 10.3 cm and width 6.3 cm.

The photo is a real antique. Through USA laws, an item is over 100 years old can be considered as antique. The photo is still in OK condition but please don't use brand new concept to buy the card as this is an over 135 years old photo.

I have other postcards. If you buy over one postcards, you can contact me to combine postage.

Happy to buy it.

The following reference number is only for reminding me where is the postcard, not for the advertise. Please ignore this reference number 
Reference number 13102022 in bedside cabinet.