40 ANS
release number:promo 7243 86184627
Country of release: France
Format:card sleeve/pochette carton
condition:tres bon etat/Very nice condition
More infos & details photo 1/2
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authentiques et correspondent
aux articles en vente dans notre
ebay boutique
>please see photo's above of 
the actual CD you will receive
Inclus emballages cartons speciaux robustes
Pour toute information supplementaire 
contactez nous 
Envoi exclusivement avec numero de suivi
>Only registered shipping with track number
Super strong high-quality packaging materials 
including thick cardboard
Livraisons groupees (achat multiples)
reduction des frais de transport
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2-demander le total au vendeur
>We combine shipping cost for 
multiple item go to your basket 
and click on ask the total from the seller
thank you  REFA6253