Hand tinted Carte-de-visite by Émile Desmaisons lithographer & photographer (1812-1880) CAM, Opticien Paris, France. Portrait from drawing of Elizabeth of Austria, Queen of France, wife of Charles iX. Incredible detail in the hand colored tinting.  

I have collected cabinet cards & cdvs for 40+ years. I will be selling off most of my collection on Ebay in the coming weeks. If you are a collector of vintage photographs be sure to check back often - follow or bookmark my Ebay store and go to the old photos category to see all the other unique and interesting images I currently have for sale. 

 I am also selling more historic photographic images, vintage cameras, photo collectables, historic early photography books & literature in my Ebay Store - check it out by clicking on Visit Store. Follow my store as I am always adding more interesting & unique items.