Certified 100% Natural Icy White Jadeite Jade Pendant in Donut Design

Size: Outer Diameter 24.8 mm x Thickness 6.5 mm

Color : Icy White

Design : Jadeite in Donut design

Jadeite Refractive: 1.66 (Jadeite Refractive is 1.66)

Density: 3.34 (Jadeite density is 3.33 or 3.34)

A certificate will be supplied with the product.

(Every genuine jadeite product has its own identification, which stores in the certified authority, the best way to judge if a jadeite product is genuine or not is to scan the QR code on its certificate, if comes up with all the data of this this jadeite product, which means the item is genuine, otherwise, the item is fake, a fake or treated product has no data shown after you scan its QR code).