Florens Deuchler -  Fritz Baumgartner

50 anni di pittura e di grafica  ( 50 years of painting  )


text appears to be italian


Hardcover book , no jacket but does include the hardshell black case.   Appears unread in  Like new to new condition.   287 pages.  Inside pages are like new , clean.   

full page illustrations in b/w and color thru-out.




This section is from a translation , so some sentences unclear.

 «Expressionist» Fritz Baumgartner

Fritz Baumgartner remained faithful for the figurativen painting. 1929 born, studied the painter starting from 1949 at that Munich academy and completed its studies in Paris. At the beginning strongly affected by Oskar Kokoschka, developed Baumgartner a self-willed style, without leaving however the basic principles of the expressionism. Its figure pictures, in which he processed above all Christian and mythologische topics, announced it only and predominantly in Italy. Baumgartner created numerous works for the public area also in Germany, its strongly abstracted, but never purely abstract pictures here however still found no broad followers. In order to make the painting Baumgartners accessible for a larger circle, published living Swiss the year a Monographie last in Italy art historian Florens Deuchler, which became acquainted with Baumgartner 1958 in Paris, which was introduced now for the siebzigsten birthday of the artist in the diocesan museum Regensburg and with the retrospective in the Kallmann museum Ismaning with Munich (until 8 August) as catalog serves. Deuchler analyzed in the text, which is loosened up by marginal illustrations, the stylistic development of the artist, arranges the work according to topics and describes the idea of man Baumgartners, how it presents itself in paintings and graphics. After an interview and the biography the detailed board part follows, in which paintings and designs with ever about 130 illustrations face each other equally. Thus not only the pictorial development is led graphically before eyes, but also granted to the draughtsman Baumgartner the place, which is entitled to it. Layout, envelope and Vorsatzpapier, two latter by Baumgartner themselves sketched, let become also the book a masterpiece relating to crafts, so that form and contents of a successful symbiosis are received. Susanna Partsch Short description In the available Monographie is comprehensively represented life and work of the painter, draughtsman and commercial artist Fritz Baumgartner on 288 book sides. 132 color charts and 133 black-and-white illustrations show 50 years unbroken, constant development of the picture world of this independent artist and accompany the comprehensive and critical-thorough text Swiss of the art historian Florens Deuchler.