Does ye love the open seas? Are ye tougher than me old welly boot sandwiches?

Well say no more ye scurvy land lubbers!

Come join me crew for the best swashbuckling card game of all time – 

Salty Dogs!

Join the kookiest  bunch of pirates ever to sail the seven seas…
Fun for all the family! Put down your Cackle Fruit and let the games begin!

2-4 players, 8 years+

SALTY DOGS is a Brand New, Thrilling, Highly Competitive, Fun Packed card game for 2 to 4 players aged 8 years plus. Build your crew from 30 unique pirates in a deck of 84 superbly painted cards, then do battle with enemy pirate crews.

You will encounter many dangers along the way, disease and perils are around every corner, dodge the Black Spot and scurvy, avoid walking the plank. If you are unlucky and become ill, look out for a healing card. Beware the most dreaded sea creature of all time, the mighty KRAKEN.

Dazzling full colour cards with fantastical animal pirate characters, each with their own unique personality. Drawings by world famous comic artist, Simon Bisley. 

With the name Salty Dogs, you would think all the pirates are Dogs but no, that would be boring. Check out the Monkeys, Gorilla, Eagle, Cat, Hippo, Snake, Goat, Elephant, Crocodile, Pig, Rat, etc.

Salty Dogs gives players an alternative to the technology surrounding them and a taste of how much fun card games can be. SALTY DOGS provides endless hours of fun and enjoyment for pirates young and old. (Don’t let the kids have all the fun)

We are super excited about this awesome new card game and are eager to hear your views, join the mailing list on our home page so We can keep you posted on release date (anticipated late 2019). 

If you love Wacky Animals, Fearsome Pirates, Fantastic Artwork and Great Game Play then Salty Dogs is for you.

LETS HELP SALTY DOGS TAKE OVER THE WORLD. (or at least your living rooms)