Stick To Your Diet Subliminal Help for Weight Loss Subliminal Messages CD

Keep your diet- work toward your goal for shaving unwanted weight.

Weight Loss Appetite Control Suppressant :Subliminal Brainwaves Ocean CD

The CD you are about to experience will be your aide, and keep your cravings on track. You need to want to keep your diet, and when the desire comes to break your diet, play this CD, we promise you that will calm your mind and you will not break your diet.

No audible speech; these are not hypnosis CD's, it is a Subliminal Audio recording so its speech track is recorded on a frequency that the human ear cannot detect. Not consciously. But the subconscious does hear and comprehend the message. This is a well-documented ability. And our recordings are genuine, high quality tools that help people take control of their own inner thought processes.

CD will look like in picture,

On this CD:

1 Track Ocean Subliminal almost one hour long

1 Bonus Track Silent Subliminal

Each Subliminal CD includes text of its subliminal track affirmations script, printed on the back cover.

CD with Nature Sounds: The affirmations and suggestions are "buried" in the Ocean Waves Sound; all you hear are ocean waves. There is a silent track at the end of the disc; that is, the subliminal message is present, but no audible music or sounds are there. You can use it anywhere. If you're interested in our silent subliminal technology, please check our website for more information.

Digitally mastered using brain wave generator, modern and new technology for filtering frequencies of each channel

My Own Review:
The hardest thing I had to do in my life, was keeping my diet. I was waking up every morning determined to not eat that, or that and around noon I was back on my old way, convincing myself that tomorrow is another day. Well it might be true, but the longer I waited the longer it took to get back on track. I quit smoking quite easily- but quitting eating? People were tortured through famine, and I was torturing myself until I created this subliminal. Very slowly my view about food changed, I felt more determined and every single time an image of a cake, or a piece of bread popped up in my mind, I put my headphones and start listening to my audio. Very soon almost instantly I felt a warmth feeling of victory. The craving went away- my mind was relaxed and I could keep my diet. It is my story, and I am still in that diet, because the older we get the more we gain. It is a hard battle I am having everyday- but I trust my own product and I keep myself at the same weight for 12 years now.

Subliminal recordings do their work while you do other things, there is no need to pay strict attention. You can work, watch TV, do house chores or just read a paper. When subliminal audio plays in the background it can hopefully work its way into your subconscious mind. There, ideally, the carefully composed thoughts effectively become part of your deep, inner belief system.

Subliminal audio similar to meditation, but it's not hypnosis

Meditation is a form of self-hypnosis. You can achieve receptive mental state quite easily by yourself. And with subliminal audio, you can lose track of time as with hypnosis. We heard that our more relaxation-friendly titles such as “Sleep Better” combined with ocean waves as a background, can put you to sleep even if you hadn't planned on it. So be careful playing those recordings with ocean waves as the audible track. Save those for nap or bed time.

How Do I Use Your CD's?

Subliminal recordings are really basic, easy to use.

1-Adjust the player volume to a comfortable level.

2-Ocean waves and rain sounds have the effect of white noise – you can get relaxed and need to sleep.

3-Do not drive or operate machinery while playing the tracks with nature sounds.

How long do I need to use it?

Subliminal audio is an attempt to replace old, unwanted habits, thinking or behaviors that are stubbornly stuck in the subconscious. Results may typically be seen in 3 days (for very receptive people under very good conditions) to 2 weeks, depending on how many hours of use per day. Subliminal programs should be used for a minimum of one hour per day for a minimum of 30 days and do not play more then 3 times in one day.

Because subliminal audio is not a quick fix, a change must first be accepted by the subconscious mind before new habits can take place. The process of acting upon it may take several weeks or months to show results, depending on what is being done and for how long you had the opposing behaviors.

Some subliminal programs are designed for very long term use. An example would be a “Millionaire Mind Program,” or similar, which are designed to be used until you achieve the goal of becoming a millionaire, which may be two, three or four years, for instance. All of our recordings should be used every day for at least one hour.

How much time per day should I use it?

1-2 hours per day in order to not overload the subconscious. Overloading can result in a stubborn subconscious refusing to accept the positive reinforcement, having effectively 'smelled a rat..'

Can I do other things while the recording plays?

Yes! By all means, do other things to occupy your conscious mind. Certain products should not be used while driving though, like relaxing sleep-oriented titles or ocean waves that could relax you too much. But with most titles, it is all right to do just about anything while they're playing.

Do I need headphones?

No, our products do not require headphones. Good stereo speakers are desired, and headphones are probably better -but not essential.

Medical Disclaimer

All of our products are intended to be used for entertainment purposes only and not as a replacement for your therapy. We are not responsible for any problems you may or may not encounter after using subliminal audio recordings. If you are suffering from any serious illness, please contact your medical doctor. Do not listen to our subliminal audio, particularly Ocean Waves, while driving or operating heavy machinery, taking care of a baby or doing anything that requires full awareness. Our albums are not a magic pill to lose weight or to quit smoking , become successful or develop a photographic memory. You also need to exercise your willpower and accept any proposed change. Results vary from person to person, and experiences also vary between one album to another. Subliminal audio is a subjective experience.


Sprudio protects your privacy. We are not engaged in mass e-mails scams or solicitation. Here on e-bay or any place on the wild wild web - we do not send unsolicited e-mails to our customers. Your feedback is important to us.

Shipping: We ship in 24 hours, First Class Mail in a padded envelope. Our Cds come with case, inserts and sealed.


There is NO restocking fee and no return merchandise authorization (RMA) required. Simple and easy replacement.

If a CD is broken in transit we will exchange it. If only one CD was broken you don't need to send the CD back for exchange.

Subliminal Audios, High Quality CD. No Advertising, No Intro.