Amazing Secret Golf CD and MP3 Download Adds 55 yards, Shaves Strokes and MAKES YOU MORE FOCUSED AND CONFIDENT than EVER. Quickly and Easily!


So that you can   play better golf  while confident, focused and, "In the Zone" 


I will MANUALLY  email you a download  usually the same day and then send you the CD within one day of your order.

Attention Golfers

Amazing Hypnosis CD and Mp3 DOWNLOAD

Strengthens Your “mental game” So that you can play better golf. Starting almost immediately.

YOU Will be able to, “Bring on The Zone” on Command. RELAX, Increase Your Confidence, FOCUS, Hit Longer Straighter Drives, Play 'One Hole at a Time', Lower Your Score,

Dominate In Tournaments And Leave Your Competition In The Sand!

(And if it does not work, You Get to see it for FREE! )

"Wow Took 6 Strokes Off My Golf Game After 2 Weeks!" -Donald G Hotton, Concord, California 

"Now I Play Calmly and With Confidence."        George Green, Dallas, Texas 

"AMAZING!  I Now Love Golfing Again." Baret Caldori, Palm Beach Florida 


So that you can   play better golf  while confident, focused and, "In the Zone" 



 MP3 TOO When you buy this incredible golf program

I will MANUALLY  email you a download  usually the same day and then send you the CD within one day of your order.

Dear Fellow Golfer,

This SAFE, EASY TO USE PROGRAM is an incredible HYPNOSIS CD AND MP3 that helps golfers train their mental game by using hypnosis.

If you want to improve your CONFIDENCE and FOCUS

If you want to improve golf swing and your drive…

If you want to hit longer, straighter drives…

If you want to have more fluid smooth stroke motions….

If you want to eliminate the “yips”

If you want to relax, focus, play golf IN THE ZONE and lower your score…

If you want to actually enjoy playing GOLF...

And if you want to WIN!

Then you need to do more than just work on your physical golf game.

You need to work on your MENTAL golf game.


That's where all the leverage is in the game of golf.

It’s not really in the ball or in the equipment. That helps of course but one example of how powerful working on your 

“mental game” can be, is that I have had one of my golf customers shoot their best game ever with BRAND NEW CLUBS 

after using this program just one time...

(I’m not making this up)

Results like this happens because

All of the LEVERAGE IN GOLF is in that golf ball that's between your ears. 

Here Is a Small Sample of what this program will do for YOU: Starting with your very next round: 

You will discover how to immediately break out of a slump even if you've been in one for a long time. (It’s all 


       You will automatically be in "the zone, "Starting even before” the first.”

You will know what to do to snap back into "the zone" if you suddenly "loose it". 

       You will golf with unbreakable, unstoppable, unbeatable, self-confidence! 

       You will automatically relax tension…enhancing your rhythm and your swing! 

·        Discover a secret "mental trigger" that instantly stops negative thinking and mind chatter! 

·        Block out distractions such as noise and other people.       


·        Automatically eliminate fear about mistakes and obstacles that causes mental tension! 

·        You'll have a precision, laser like focus on each specific shot!  

·        You'll  eliminate "the yips" so that you sink more putts! 

·        Develop  the most powerful visualization techniques used by top PGA pros. 

·        Automatically have  your mind clear and calm no matter what's happening around you. 

·                You'll automatically visualize and FEEL every aspect of your swing before you do it! 

       You'll automatically visualize the game before you set foot on the course! 

        You'll be able to see where the ball will land BEFORE it gets there. 

         You'll ALWAYS see yourself as the winner of every round! 

       As a result of these new beliefs in your subconscious mind your golf game will significantly improve! 

       You will learn all of this - plus you will conquer your own personal golf challenges.  You'll get the big breakthrough 

that you need to propel yourself to the next level - so that you can "be all that you can be" as a golfer and get more of 

yourself then you've ever experienced before. 

Remember, what you do before your swing determines 95% of the outcome. That's why mastering golf's mental game is 

critical to your success as a golfer! 


       I'm Chris Cady a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist based in Reno, Nevada  and I have  helped my clients gain 

SIGNIFICANT improvements in golf,  bowling, baseball, hockey, trap and skeet shooting, basketball, football and many 

other sports.

       Usually when I work with a golf client we spend  2  hours with me  hypnotizing them and then feeding their mind with 

powerful hypnotic suggestions for  relaxing, focusing, blocking out distractions, letting go of negative thoughts and  filling 

their  mind on positive confident thoughts that result in golfing one hole at a time with fluid stroke motions and longer 

straighter drives and doing everything that they SHOULD BE DOING automatically.  

       We also work on basic and advanced visualization skills which allow a golfer to actually "see" beforehand the exact 

outcome that they want before they  swing. 

       These powerful techniques work like magic and lower the score of any golfer who uses them in record time. 

       The challenge for most golfers though, is that they either can’t afford my services. 

       This is why I have created a very powerful hypnosis CD and mp3 download for serious golfers.

       All you have to do is listen to it at your bed time and you will hear my calm relaxing  voice over the sounds of very 

soft peaceful music as I guide you into a peaceful trance..

       You will relax your mind and body completely and then I will speak to you using words that  will  automatically make 

you a focused, confident, relaxed  and significantly better golfer. 

Using it is EASY

       All you have to do is listen to this CD or mp3 download for minutes every day for 30 days. You can do so as part of a 

quick nap or at your regular bedtime and you will become deeply relaxed and the suggestions for being a more focused, 

more confident better golfer will go to your subconscious mind and ZOOM.... As long as you continue to practice and play 

golf. You will be the golfer you have always dreamed of becoming.

READ MY 100% REAL TESTIMONIALS FROM OTHER GOLFERS! They have been shortened except for one. But it is WELL worth reading.

"Wow Took 6 Strokes Off My Golf Game After 2 Weeks!" -Donald G Hotton, Concord, California 

"Now I Play Calmly and With Confidence."        George Green, Dallas, Texas 

"AMAZING!  I Now Love Golfing Again." Baret Caldori, Palm Beach Florida 

Here s another great testimonial This one is in its entirety.

My name is Andy Gilbertsen. I got your golf CD because of the success that I had with your bowling CD.

My results were equally pleasing. I have only been playing golf for four seasons. This year I got 

your  CD and usually listened two or three times a week. I am happy to say that my efforts paid 

off with a 9 stroke lower handicap, a virtually unbeaten streak against my friends and co-

workers, low score at our company outing ( I also won  a closest to the pin and longest drive) I 

broke the mid 80's numerous times and I have shot an 80 for the first time this season. The icing 

on the cake was the two "Hole In One Shots that I made just two months apart after using your CD. I 

was of course ecstatic when I got the first hole in one and absolutely freaked out when I got the 

second one. I now hit longer and straighter, I am able to hit much better approach shots, I have 

sunk numerous long breaking putts, also my attitude, frustration threshold and concentration has 

improved immensely from using your CD. Thanks for the help with y mental game. Can't wait till 

next year. I definitely feel my best golf is ahead of me. 

Andy Gilbertsen, Orland Park, IL


You see Mr. Golfer.... 

       Because the human mind is so powerful, what you do BEFORE your swing determines 95% of your outcome. 

       That's why mastering golf's mental game is critical to your success as a golfer! 

       You probably have  heard  about how top golfers such as Tiger Woods, VJ  and Jack Nicklaus  use hypnosis to keep their mind focused (in the zone)  sharp, relaxed and mentally tough  but you  just didn't  know  how you could  really do that for yourself. 

       But if you do what I'm about to tell you  - using the same  mind technology  that  Tiger Jack and other PGA greats  use to dominate this wonderful game we call golf, becomes EASY!

       Sure they have a strong  physical game, but it’s their  mental game that  allows them  to achieve golf mastery! 

       You will learn all of this - plus you will conquer your own personal golf challenges.  You'll get the big breakthrough that you need to propel yourself to the next level - so that you can "be all that you can be" as a golfer and get more of yourself then you've ever experienced before. 

I invite you to try my Hypnotic Golf CD or  Mp3 download 100% RISK FREE!

       You have nothing to risk because if it does not work for you for any reason at anytime ever just send it back for a FULL refund.  No weasel clauses, no questions asked. Just  a full refund  the same day that you return it.  

       Because, whenever we do business, I take all the risk - NOT YOU! 

I treat others  the  same way that I want to be treated. 

This CD is normally sold for  $77.00  on my web site

However  as a special   promotion  I am holding a special one time only SUPER sale! 

You can get your  very own copy here on Ebay for super cheap 

Why am I doing this? 

I know that  anyone who is a serious golfer wants  to get a head start on everyone else. 


 You  need to know that  you have nothing to risk because if it does not work for you for any reason at any time ever just send it back for a FULL refund.  No weasel clauses, no questions asked. Just  a full refund  the same day that you return it.  I treat others  the  same way that I want to be treated. 

So that's it amigo, since all the risk is on me NOT YOU why not give it a try.  

Kindest Regards Chris Cady Peak Performance Hypnotherapist 

  PS: If you came to me for a private session to improve  the mental game of  golf  I'd charge you $500.00 for a session .   This is the best  risk free  offer for a golf  improvement  product offer ever so why not just go and do yourself  a big favor and  get yours now. 

"Wow Took 6 Strokes Off My Golf Game After 2 Weeks!" -Donald G Hotton, Concord, California 

"Now I Play Calmly and With Confidence."        George Green, Dallas, Texas 

"AMAZING!  I Now Love Golfing Again." Baret Caldori, Palm Beach Florida 

Since I'm the one taking all the risk NOT YOU

Why not get  yours today.